Thursday, December 4, 2008
Ah Ha
I really, really miss my girls. In the last few years, I've lost (by relocating) too many very good friends. We talk as much as possible with our busy lives, but it's not even close to being able to run over to their house to share a bottle of wine and vent about life.
I ran into a friend over the weekend and it made my day. I got an email from another friend yesterday and it was great to hear from her too. But, I think the combination of the two just made me realize what I've lost.
Girls, I love you so much and wow, I miss you. I feel a roadtrip coming on...........
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Sometimes you just have to walk away
I'm just ornery. Apparently the moon is doing something astrologically that is creating emotional times for me. So, kids are going to a friends house and mom is going away.
Does that make me a "bad" mom? I don't think so. Sure, I could bite the bullet, put on a happy face and just get through the day. But, would tomorrow be better? How 'bout the next day? All I know is that if I say one more mean thing to my kids I may damage them beyond repair. Everyone knows that when mom isn't happy, no one is happy, right? So, time to go find my happy place. And that damn moon better get moving on.....
P.S. I'm not telling you about this for sympathy. I hope that in sharing my motherly frustrations, I can help you feel better about having a bad day now and then. We all have them. I think it's time to make it normal and ok for mom's to need time alone and accept that we can't always be perfect.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Getting to Know Us, Better.
Right now, I am a stay at home mom (SAHM). It consumes every waking (and some sleeping) minutes. I am very happy being home with my kids. I help in Ayden's Kindergarten class twice a week. I am actually keeping up with my chores too! I think my mom never believed that I had the capacity to keep laundry clean and off the floor! Whew, glad she was wrong about that one! I am a friend to many people. I think that's the best part of not having a "day job". I can be available to those who need me (kids included). I can say YES a lot more! There have been days that I was a life saver to someone, if I had a job, who would have helped them out? My role as SAHM is very important to me. My kids know me, really really know me. And, I know them. I have been the woman who helped them learn all new things (bike riding, coloring, sharing, reading, loving). I sincerely admire those mom's who work and maintain sanity in their homes at the same time- you are truly amazing. I am so blessed that I don't HAVE to work. My work, although it is unpaid, is so wonderful. I love my job!
So keep checking back. Every day is an adventure and I'll make sure to share them as much as possible.
Now at the tender age of 3 1/2, she is a walking tornado. Destroying anything or anyone who gets in her path. She has reverted back to the eat, scream, sleep stage of life (short on the eating and sleeping, so mainly she screams).
She tries my patience to the extreme every day, and I am a patient person. She throws things at me, kicks me, whines incessantly (I really don't think she has a normal voice), sneaks away to do naughty things behind my back, hits her brother...... and on and on.
I couldn't love her more. She is my favorite little girl in the whole world. Every day, she takes a break from wrecking havoc to give me a big hug and kiss on the cheek. She apologizes to me by reminding me that "I still love you mommy". Some of her favorite things are: meekup (make up), dancing, cuddling with whoever has a minute, AYEN (yes, that's how she says it), and her family (Grandmas, Grandpas, Aunts, Uncles, cousins, etc).
She is the most spirited, determined, stubborn (some of her tantrums have lasted for more than 3 hours), lovable little kid. If I can find a way to harness these traits for the good, can you imagine the wonderful things she will accomplish?
Someone asked me recently why I think Jade was meant to be part of our family. I didn't hesitate for one minute, her lesson to me is unconditional love, her lesson to Steve is patience! She is right where she belongs (even if 1/2 of her day is spent in time out!).
Saturday, November 15, 2008
My heart is full with this post. I had an emotionally challenging evening with Ayden, and not for the reason you may think. We both grew last night. Here's the story:
Yesterday, there was a Ballroom Dancing assembly at Ayden's school. Exciting, right? Ayden was pretty impressed with the blond boy dancer, he wants me to dye his hair blond today. At some point during this assembly, a fellow kindergartner got sick and threw up. Ayden was close enough to this boy to witness the whole thing. He relayed the event to me when I picked him up from a birthday party that afternoon.
During dinner time last night, Ayden was not his usual self (annoying his sister, talkative, or pretending to eat). He pretty much sat there, looking morose. I had the feeling that he was getting sick. I told him he didn't have to eat if he didn't feel like it, so he went up to his room. I followed and insisted on him talking to me. I asked him all the usual questions, "does your tummy hurt?" "Do you feel like your sick?" "Are you tired?" I got a round of NO's as response. So, I ventured further asking him about the boy getting sick. At that moment, his whole body collapsed into tears. "Mom, I liked him, he had cool shoes, I wanted to be his friend!" He gave me the impression that he believed the boy would no longer be at school. He was so upset, his whole body was rocking with his sobs. I was dumbfounded. I didn't know what to say, so I did the best I could. I explained sickness to Ayden and how it happens no matter where you are and people always get better. I told him this boy would most likely be at school again on Monday. Then he could tell him that he liked his shoes! He was taking it in little bits at a time and slowly calming down. But, it wasn't enough.
So, we prayed. Jade joined us and hugged her brother while I asked God to help his friend get better and help Ayden understand. We also thanked God for the wonderful things Ayden had experienced that day. It did the trick, by the time we said "Amen" he was totally and completely calm. My heart was filled with so much love that I started crying (totally confusing the kids).
Ayden's heart is huge. And it's size makes it so much easier for him to be hurt. I want to build a wall around that heart and keep it safe. I pray that the love and compassion he has now for people continues to grow, despite the terrible things he will endure as he has more and more life experiences.
Big things await this boy, but for now, he is helping his mom in more ways than he will ever know.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Back the Truck Up!!
I had such mixed feelings. Proud of him for sure, but at the same time it's another milestone that is now behind us. I can see him growing up right before my eyes and there is nothing I can do to stop it. Wow, wow, wow.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Using their words.....
Further inquiry proved that SICK is equal to COOL and OLD SCHOOL is somewhat like an old VOLKSWAGON. Reminder: he's 5 and his dad is Steve.
Jade: "I'm a Princess in my TOWER". She is currently dressed in a hand-me-down, flaming pink, dance recital dress. She also has a crown on her head and makeup on her face. Her TOWER is her room. Now, if I could just get her to make friends with some magical mice and get that tower cleaned up!!!!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Crazy Hair Day
Saturday, October 25, 2008
A picture is worth a thousand words, so here's a bunch of them!
At the Las Vegas Bug-O-Rama. No, this isn't a bug, it's a Ferrari (Vroom, Vroom)!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Help Fight Childhood Cancer!
Take your family out for a fun night and know you are helping families across the nation as they face one of the toughest challenges imaginable.
P.S. Try the new Chocolate Chip Molten Cake- It's absolutely delicious!!!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Jade is a BIG GIRL!!!
1. She started Preschool. She loves it and is making some wonderful friends.
2. The Binky Fairies (thanks V) visited and she has been binky free for three days!!!
Honestly, I didn't think we would ever succeed in getting those damn binkies out of her life. Ugh, if I would have known the struggle that followed, I would never have put the first one in her mouth! Steve is amazing and while I was helping my dad paint his house over the weekend, he did the dirty deed and made the binks disappear. I'm doing a happy dance. I would post a few pictures here, but alas, they have been moved around on my computer and I can't find them!!! Steve is amazing. Smiles!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A Day on the Razr
We have a lovely friend (don't tell him I called him lovely, k?) who owns a Razr. He was gracious enough this past weekend to entertain us on it. The boys, six of them, piled into his truck and headed out to Three Peaks. They had a load of fun. Then, they came home to entertain us girls.
This is Ayden and Devin pretending to be daredevils.
Here is Steve and Ayden at Three Peaks.
Here is friend, trying not to dump his son out the other side.
Here are the girls going for their ride. Jade said it was "so fast!!!"
A Day at the Fair
I love my town. It's small, friendly, clean, beautiful and full of great activities for kids. The Iron County Fair does a free kids carnival on the opening day of the fair. It is SO fun. This is the second year we've gone and I remembered the camera this time! The kids had a blast. They got their faces painted, dug for gold, had an old fashioned shoot out, raced in gunny sacks, golfed, decorated cookies and so much more! Hooray for the county fair!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Well, a new page has been turned in our family's adventure book. Ayden is officially a "school kid". He started Kindergarten this afternoon. Here is a picture of him outside school. Jade, of course, wouldn't leave his side. She says it's not fair that he can go to school but she can't. I told her I would miss her so very much. She decided that she can wait a while to start. Ayden was on cloud nine today. I'm not sure how I feel. I'm very excited for him, but somewhat meloncholy about the whole thing. I know this was an inevitable part of having kids, but it makes it feel so real. They really do grow up fast. I want to stop time and keep them little forever.
This last picture is Ayden and one of his best friends in class today. Ayden actually has about 4 kids in his class that he is really good friends with and I'm sure he's already making more friends. He's so big-hearted when it comes to forming relationships with other kids. I love that about him. He includes everyone and has a special knack of finding the kids who need friends the most. It makes me very proud and I know that skill will help him become an amazing young man. Sniff, sniff.
A work in progress
But, with the help of a very dear friend, Steve and I finished the first of our many projects- the sandbox!! The kids had a blast playing on the huge pile of sand on the street. It was like a magnet to the neighborhood kids. The minute the dump truck left, the kids were here in full force. On bikes, with shovels and Tonka Trucks. It was so fun. Ayden and Jade had sand on every inch of their bodies. I'm sure my name was a cuss word for a few of the moms in my neighborhood!
Now, we are just saving our pennies for the next project- the deck.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
We made it to the lake!!!
No Such Thing as an Ordinary Day.
Camping- in a Cabin!!! (does that still count as camping?)
The cabin had three rooms on two levels. The top level was one huge room with beds from wall to wall. The main floor had a family/dining/kitchen room and another bedroom. Yes, we had a bathroom-running water!!! So, that night there were 9 of us in the huge upstairs bedroom. Now, Bash men have the curse of snoring. It only took 10 minutes before Steve AND Ayden were tossed down the stairs to the family/dining/kitchen room. The rest of the night was fairly uneventful- minus Jade falling out of bed and Elaine wondering if she was next to be tossed down stairs if she made any noise!
Here are a few more pictures of our trip, like always, I didn't do a fantastic job of getting good pictures, but you'll get the idea- it was a blast!! Oh, the fire ring above was built entirely by the kids!!
Thanks to Adam, Nicole and their amazing families for sharing with us!
This is "Team Bash" trying to capture a squirrel. We actually chased it into that pipe. The, the kids proceeded to bang on the pipe. I'm thinking the poor thing died of a heart attack. The squirrels were everywhere. They would come right up on to the deck and steal food! It was very entertaining for the kids (and parents too!)
Here are all the kids trying to entice the birds to land on their hands. Journey, the oldest, actually had a bird climb on to her finger to eat some seeds!! The rest of the kids were too impatient.
Our treasure hunt resulted in a major discovery!! The kids found an old, and I mean OLD, teeter totter. It was so cool! They had a blast taking turns rocking each other. Callie, the youngest, kept saying "up now down" or "I'm flying!"
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Playing Catch-Up!
My dad took us to Park City to ride on the Alpine Slide. I haven't done this since I was a very little girl!! It was lots of fun. The boys were racing the girls and due to an equipment malfunction, the girls won!!!!
Here is the winning team!! Jade and I rock!
This is just a random shot of an amusing day. I had put Jade down for her nap, sent Ayden to play outside and then headed for my garden. I was busy weeding when I heard Jadies little voice talking to Ayden. So, I snuck up on them and this is what I saw. Jade in her sunglasses, cowgirl boots, and two pairs of panties. She was too cute to be in trouble, lucky girl.