Thursday, December 4, 2008

Ah Ha

I figured it out. I've been so sad the last couple of days and couldn't pinpoint the reason. I know now what it is!!! I miss my girls!
I really, really miss my girls. In the last few years, I've lost (by relocating) too many very good friends. We talk as much as possible with our busy lives, but it's not even close to being able to run over to their house to share a bottle of wine and vent about life.
I ran into a friend over the weekend and it made my day. I got an email from another friend yesterday and it was great to hear from her too. But, I think the combination of the two just made me realize what I've lost.
Girls, I love you so much and wow, I miss you. I feel a roadtrip coming on...........

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sometimes you just have to walk away

Mom needs a time-out. Seriously. Yesterday and today are days that have pushed me to my limits and for no good reason. Kids are fine, no big problems there. Everyone is healthy. I have no big responsibilities (aside from the mountain of laundry in my room).
I'm just ornery. Apparently the moon is doing something astrologically that is creating emotional times for me. So, kids are going to a friends house and mom is going away.
Does that make me a "bad" mom? I don't think so. Sure, I could bite the bullet, put on a happy face and just get through the day. But, would tomorrow be better? How 'bout the next day? All I know is that if I say one more mean thing to my kids I may damage them beyond repair. Everyone knows that when mom isn't happy, no one is happy, right? So, time to go find my happy place. And that damn moon better get moving on.....

P.S. I'm not telling you about this for sympathy. I hope that in sharing my motherly frustrations, I can help you feel better about having a bad day now and then. We all have them. I think it's time to make it normal and ok for mom's to need time alone and accept that we can't always be perfect.