Thursday, March 10, 2011

I learned

Some things I learned while in Disneyland......

  • Coming down with the flu on the last day of your trip is much better than coming down with the flu on the first day.
  • Humans lose the ability to see where they are going while in Disneyland. Even adult humans. I almost lost my life to a 40 year old woman.
  • Ice cream can make even the angriest bear happy in Disneyland.
  • My kids honestly don't care what they are doing, as long as they are not waiting in line.
  • Or walking.
  • Carrying a 40 pound 5 year old on your shoulders is painful, very very painful. But, in reality it is less painful than listening to said 5 year old whine about her aching feet.
  • It is impossible to get through a Disneyland trip without aching feet, and legs, and back, and head, and shoulders, and hips.
  • Despite all of the above..... Disneyland makes your heart happy. And that is what makes it all worth it.


Oh NO!!! Koda ate Ayden's head!!! And, Jade thinks it's hilarious. Such a good sister. We had so much fun in Disneyland this last weekend. We went with some friends and their kids which always makes the trip double the fun. This year, Jade was tall enough to do everything but two rides. She loved Space Mountain and the Hollywood Tower Hotel. That girl has no fear. I hope she stays that way. Fear is useless, right? Ayden loved all the rides too. I think his favorite was Indiana Jones. He was in the driver seat and I'm pretty sure he thought he was really driving.

Here are all the kids in Toon Town. So much fun. We stayed for three days and loved every minute of it. This is probably our only family vacation for the year, so we tried to make the most of it. Unfortunately, I came down with the flu on the last day at Disneyland. The real live flu (headache, body ache, fever, cough, outright misery). It was like the kids and Steve were towing a Zombie around Disneyland. But, on a positive note, we did things we probably wouldn't have done without me feeling like death and the kids really enjoyed it. Overall, it was a fantastic trip!!!