Thursday, November 20, 2008

Getting to Know Us, Better.

I am going to concentrate on blogs that will help you know our family better. Some of you live very far away, and we don't get to see you as often as I would like. And, I miss you dearly! So, here is my attempt at keeping you in our life. I am going to share with you openly about our family adventures.
Right now, I am a stay at home mom (SAHM). It consumes every waking (and some sleeping) minutes. I am very happy being home with my kids. I help in Ayden's Kindergarten class twice a week. I am actually keeping up with my chores too! I think my mom never believed that I had the capacity to keep laundry clean and off the floor! Whew, glad she was wrong about that one! I am a friend to many people. I think that's the best part of not having a "day job". I can be available to those who need me (kids included). I can say YES a lot more! There have been days that I was a life saver to someone, if I had a job, who would have helped them out? My role as SAHM is very important to me. My kids know me, really really know me. And, I know them. I have been the woman who helped them learn all new things (bike riding, coloring, sharing, reading, loving). I sincerely admire those mom's who work and maintain sanity in their homes at the same time- you are truly amazing. I am so blessed that I don't HAVE to work. My work, although it is unpaid, is so wonderful. I love my job!
So keep checking back. Every day is an adventure and I'll make sure to share them as much as possible.


The Schmitz Bunch said...

Thank you for that. I love your blog, when I finally take a moment to tune in and read, I realize how much I love, miss and need you! I have been struggling with 5 kids, and working full time, and a new marriage. I mean seriously, the laundry NEVER ends!!

Thank you for a big spoonfull of perspective and love. I admire you so much, I love you!!

Summers Family said...

I am so excited to stay up to date on your new posts. Does the SAHM mean you are not doing Usborne books anymore? Thank you for your thoughts on parenting and your kids, it is nice to know I am not alone in the challenges and fun times. I can't imagine not being able to be a part of their daily life. It is hard having Sam gone so much for school, I miss him but am happy he is learning so much.