Monday, September 15, 2008

Jade is a BIG GIRL!!!

Two big things have changed for Jade in the last week.
1. She started Preschool. She loves it and is making some wonderful friends.
2. The Binky Fairies (thanks V) visited and she has been binky free for three days!!!
Honestly, I didn't think we would ever succeed in getting those damn binkies out of her life. Ugh, if I would have known the struggle that followed, I would never have put the first one in her mouth! Steve is amazing and while I was helping my dad paint his house over the weekend, he did the dirty deed and made the binks disappear. I'm doing a happy dance. I would post a few pictures here, but alas, they have been moved around on my computer and I can't find them!!! Steve is amazing. Smiles!

1 comment:

The Schmitz Bunch said...

I LOVE the binky fairies! They are the best.