Sunday, July 27, 2008

Playing Catch-Up!

Well, I've been a slacker! Sorry. It's been a busy Summer-as usual. Here are some pictures of what we've been doing. Earlier this month, the kids and I spent a week in Northern Utah with family. While we were with Dad, we drove to Upper Stillwater. This is my favorite place to be! When I was a kid, we would camp there along with our extended family. We fished, built forts, waded in the ice cold water and had a fantastic time. This year, the water was flowing over the damn. The canyon is deep and the water made such a loud noise. It was great to see. The kids had fun throwing driftwood back into the lake.

Here's Jade, being her lovely self. They were trying to hit fish with their wood. Jade didn't see any fish and spent about 30 minutes screaming over not seeing fish. She's three.

My dad took us to Park City to ride on the Alpine Slide. I haven't done this since I was a very little girl!! It was lots of fun. The boys were racing the girls and due to an equipment malfunction, the girls won!!!!

Here is the winning team!! Jade and I rock!
This is just a random shot of an amusing day. I had put Jade down for her nap, sent Ayden to play outside and then headed for my garden. I was busy weeding when I heard Jadies little voice talking to Ayden. So, I snuck up on them and this is what I saw. Jade in her sunglasses, cowgirl boots, and two pairs of panties. She was too cute to be in trouble, lucky girl.


KaufusiFamily said...

I love the new pictures. Looks like you have had a fun and exciting summer so far. I love the last picture of Ayden & Jade. Jade is SO smart... prepared with two panties! :)

Amy and The Mack Pack said...

Love the updates! We need to come visit soon! It was good to see you when you came in July! I know how busy summer can be! I just updated my blog with summer stuff that I have slacked on. Check it out. See you soon hopefully!!!