Thursday, June 26, 2008

Jade is Three (but don't tell HER that!)

Jade turned three a few weeks ago. Wowser times goes fast. The above picture is when she was about 8 months old. If you recall, she had acid reflux full force back then and anyone brave enough to hold her was sure to get puked on. Bless her heart. Believe it or not, she still has occasional fits of "spit-up". She is still fully addicted to her binky, although it's only allowd during sleeping times. Jade is still Ayden's biggest fan. She loves to swim, I mean, she really really loves to swim. We've had to fish her out of a couple of pools already this year. She likes to ride her bikes (she has three). Her favorite bike doesn't have wheels, she just pushes it with her feet. She's much too big for the bike, so her feet drag on the ground. It's pretty awesome to see. She is turning into a girly girl-very slowly. She just discovered the joy of dressing up and barely began playing with barbies. She loves to cut her own hair and does a pretty good job of it (much to my dismay). She is in denial that she is three. She tells us that she is still TWO. She will start preschool in the Fall and is very excited for that. She needs to make some other friends beside her mom, dad and brother! Happy Birthday Baby Girl, we love you.

1 comment:

KaufusiFamily said...

Happy late Birthday Jade! You have gotten So big. You are such a cutie. Watch out Steve and Jayci... those boys are going to be knocking anytime!