Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Useless information about the Bahamas

Some things we learned:
1. People from the Bahamas are called Bahamians, but they are not native to the Island. The island Natives are called Lucayans- none are still alive.
2. Bahamians love tourists.
3. Bahamians love alcohol.
4. Tourists+alcohol= Heaven for the average Bahamian citizen.
5. The island is dirty. There is trash all over. How does one dispose of refuse on an island? Perhaps that explains the litter.
5. A lot of houses were surrounded with chain linked fences that had barbed wire on the top. Like the fence you see at a prison. When we asked a local about that, we were told it was to keep the dogs out of their yards. Hmm. The fences were over 7 feet tall, those are some talented dogs.
6. Although marijuana is not legal in the Bahamas, in fact, it is a crime to use, dispense, or grow marijuana, we were openly offered weed in the shopping center.
7. Coconut Rum is delicious.
8. Too much Coconut Rum causes heart burn.
9. There is NO wildlife in the Bahamas. No fresh water= no wild creatures. It felt weird.
10. Being from Utah has us spoiled, I fear, from living anywhere else. I like clean land, air and people. Call me crazy, but it's nice to walk down the street, watch a show and eat dinner without smoke encircling your head. It is nearly as nice to see the flora and fauna of the land without the taint of trash.


Summers Family said...

This does not make me want to go. Is it worth going? I pictures the Bahamas like I picture Hawaii. I hope I am not disappointed.

Bash's said...

Oops. I guess I need to revise my post. We had an AMAZING time, and certainly do not regret going. So much fun. Unfortunately, if you travel anywhere that hosts European travelers, you will encounter loads of cigarette smoke. I can't say that Las Vegas, Portland, or Honolulu is any better. It's just a little bit of a culture shock that takes getting used to. You wouldn't be disappointed, but you WOULD appreciate what you have at home so much more. Isn't that why we travel?

Katie said...

Jayci! Good to hear from you. I like your Bahama facts. I've never been there, and I probably won't go because my husband has been there and likes Hawaii better. Bummer. I know what you're saying about Utah and people and places being very very clean. I've really come to appreciate that over the years. Great blog, by the way!

Kristin said...

I would never have guessed it to be so dirty. I guess they clean up an area before they take pictures for tourist mags!