Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I Have Pictures to Prove it!!!

We spent 4 lovely nights and days in the Bahamas! WOW. I knew the vacation would go fast, but seriously, does it really have to be over already??? We are home and shoveling snow. But, I'm still smiling because I am so happy to see my kids. THAT is why I need vacations.
When we arrived in Freeport, the power was out at the resort and it was COLD! What? Yes, cold. Cold, Cold, Cold. Luckily, we each had a pair of pants and a jacket (we wore the same outfit for a couple of days). By the third day we were there, the weather finally improved. So much that we were actually able to wear our beach attire! We even came home a little sunburned. With the weather being so cold, we spent most of our time at the resort. Reading, sleeping, practicing archery, playing ping pong, eating, drinking, cuddling. We did go sightseeing on the island for a little while and spent some time at a very cool (both cold and impressive) botanical garden. We want to go back, but next time we'll do a couple of things differently. Like go when it's not Winter in the Bahamas. Or, pick a resort that is NOT part of a time-share (the sales people are like vultures- ugh). I know they are trying to make a living and I truly respect their efforts, but for the love of all things Holy, No means No!
Here are a few pictures of our trip- keep in mind- it was COLD.

On the beach, at our resort.
Why do beaches bring out the urge to flex?
At the resort, drink in my hand.
At the "Garden of the Groves" Botanical Garden. It was breathtaking.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

The bottom picture is really cute of you too. I bet the time did fly by, when ever I leave my kids I seem to regret the decision to go a few days before we leave, but once we go I love it. Of course it's always nice to be back home, hey hows Ayden doing?