Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Jade got a cupcake maker

Ayden got a DC Hat

He also got loads of other stuff, of course.

Jade is a true princess now, and she has a suitcase full of make up to go with the dress.

We had a great holiday. It was very busy and a little stressful with the bad roads and lots of traveling. It's amazing how bad the road can get between Cedar and St. George. But, the van is amazing and we made it through the storms without incident.

My mom hosted a Christmas Eve Party at her house. Her man, Tom is a great cook and made way too much yummy food. Steve had to work Christmas Eve, so that was kind of a bummer. Christmas morning was awesome, isn't it always? I made Christmas dinner at our house for my mom, her man, Jess and his lovely lady Jessica.
I was so very glad to have Christmas done with! It was fun, but loads of work. I need to find a way to simplify it next year. Maybe Pizza for Christmas dinner????
I'll post about New Year's soon.


Summers Family said...

Hooray you are back! I missed you. Glad you had a good Christmas and safe travels.
We always do pizza for Christmas Eve, it is a tradition with Michael's family.
We also do a box of everyone's favorite cereal for Christmas so everyone eats breakfast, before candy canes and chocolate.
Again, so glad you are back.

Amy and The Mack Pack said...

Cute kiddos! We sure loved seeing you guys a couple weeks ago!