Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Shout out to my Bro!

So, in a past blog, I gave kudos to my "little" brothers. Now, I'm taking a minute to praise my older brother, and yes, he's as awesome as the younger two.
Blair and his wife are foster parents. Blair also attends graduate school full time, works full time, and together they take care of 5 wonderful kids (three are theirs, two are foster kids). Oh, and they have two dogs and a couple cats (last I checked). The best part- their house is practically spakles! I don't need to tell you how busy they are, it's pretty obvious.
Blair just won the Foster Father of the Year award here in Utah! HOORAY for him!! It goes without saying that Caron had a lot to do with that too, but together they are absolutely amazing with their children. They are so loving, generous, thoughtful and kind with everyone they associate with (kids, adults, family and friends). It is hard for me to comprehend how much work and emotion goes into what they do on a daily basis. They will have foster kids there for a long time, fall in love with them, and then return them to their families. They struggle every day to provide a safe and caring environment for their whole family. And, they do this all out of the hugeness of their hearts.
Maybe one day the children who they've helped will thank them, maybe not. But no matter what, they have made a large impact on numerous children's lives.
Blair is an amazing Uncle to my kids. They absolutely love him. My kids are so lucky to have so many wonderful Uncles! The example that Blair and his family set for the rest of us is priceless.
So, congratulations Brother! No one deserves this award more than you, whether you believe it or no! I love you.

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