Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I think 10 years was a pretty good run, right?

Our lives have changed drastically. Nope, not because Ayden is 6. Not because I am a very happy stay at home mom and we are going to live on one income for a very long time. Not because Obama is president.
Nope, our lives will forever be changed due to the ownership of a Wii. I have long said that I will NEVER (you know what they say about saying NEVER) have a "video game machine" in my house.
I surrendered. It's ok to lose some battles right? I have to admit that my change of heart may have a little to do with my mad Guitar skills. I rock. Ok, I don't rock. I sound a little like Michael J. Fox in Back to the Future when his hand is disappearing into time travel oblivion.
Ayden is super happy with the Wii, the only person happier than him is his father.
Wish me luck and if you don't hear from us in a week, we've become zombies who think they are professional snowboarders, or world famous rock stars.


Kristin said...

I have felt the same way about not having a video game player in my home, I am sure I will eventually surrender too. Even though we dont have one, everytime I get a chance to play Guitar Hero I never turn it down! I also love Rock Band, thats such a blast.

Summers Family said...

Way to make it 10 years! We would have gotten a Wii if we hadn't gone to Hawaii. But it is inevitable, I really want the WiiFit.
Have fun and don't hurt yourself.

Alisha K said...

Whoa dude. I can't believe it!! Happy Wii playing rockstars.